I want to find an experts

I want to offer my services

👋 ¡I want to find an expert!


We are a 1:1 video call marketplace where you’ll find all kinds of professionals and influencers.

1. Sign up, choose a service that interests you, and call now if they’re online, or schedule a video call.

2. Answer the question the provider asks you, so they know if they can help you with any specific matter.

Select the time you want to talk (more information here).

IIn each service, you’ll see:

    • The minimum duration offered by the provider,
    • The time recommended by the provider for an optimal service. We temporarily hold the amount on your bank card until the call is completed, but if you spend less, we release the remaining balance (similar to gas stations).
    • ¡Customize the duration as you wish!

4. Speak, enjoy, learn, and solve.!! 🌈🌈

¿Do you want to become a call provider? Here we’ll tell you how!

¿How does Hand Up protects you?

When you call with us:

– If the provider misses the appointment, arrives late, or experiences internet connection issues, we will deduct it from the call’s price.

– The cost varies depending on the minutes you consume; you don’t have to pay for a mandatory time.

– You can explain to the call provider what you need before calling, in case they don’t know how to answer and reject the call.

– Hand Up fights against identity theft by authenticating the provider with their social media, website links, and other credentials.

– We integrate with the best and most secure card payment gateway: Stripe.

– Cancellation policy for bookings, fair for both you as a customer and the provider.

– You have access to reviews and comments from other real customers.

– You will have access to invoices.

– We use Artificial Intelligence to detect fraud and illegal activities.

¿Do you want to become a call provider? Here we’ll tell you how!